Specialist Laboratory Service Center

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Specialist Laboratory Service Center+adonis+dorrin golab

Laboratory group

Introducing the group
The group has experts in the field of pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical chemistry and senior experts in applied chemistry and organic chemistry as well as extraction, extraction, isolation, identification and formulation of drugs in the field of analysis, isolation and detection of natural compounds and formulation of products. In order to serve the pharmaceutical industry and senior students and Ph.D.

Groups and fields of activity of the group
Isolation, purification, identification and determination of the amount of combinations of plants (volatile and non-volatile compounds) and the evaluation of biological effects
Formulation and standardization of plant extracts and products
Study of extraction and optimization methods of natural products (volatile oil and extract)
Collection of Traditional Medicine Information on Medicinal Products and Their Adaptive Study (Etnobutani)

Group Research Abilities
Separation and purification of natural compounds
Identification of the structure of chemical compounds
Analyze and determine the amount of drug combinations
Standardization of natural products
Formulation of pharmaceutical products
Study of cytotoxic effects of medicinal plants
Evaluation of antioxidant effects of medicinal plants
Analyze and Identify and Determine the Quantity of Medicinal Plants
Analyzing medicinal herbs
Essential analysis
Analysis of herbs extracts
Essential Oil and Extract Analysis
Analysis of vegetative distillates and flavors
Phytochemical analysis
Analysis of oils
Essential Physical Experiments
Essential Chemical Experiments
Extract physical experiments
Chemical Extract Experiments
Chemical Testing of Medicinal Plants
Physical tests of medicinal plants
Chemical tests of pills
Physical tests of pills

Labels : specialist laboratory service center adonis dorrin golab

مدیرسایت 1396/10/13

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